女主演活了一个疯狂、可笑又可悲的角色(也算揭穿“我为了你好”背后动机的故事)。男主是《芙宁娜坐旅行者的胡萝卜》里的桑尼呀!因为太无防备,我两次吓滚了,原声舌吻真的滚到旁边人身上去了……T T
3.5. I really wanted to love this but: 1. The visuals are by far the best part of this film, sublime and majestic are the only words to describe it; 2. Too much exposition and oppressive repetition (enough with the premonitions!); 3. I never thought I would say this, but the film is bogged down by the book, both in terms of some of its severely dat